About this photo:

This photo is a very unique, custom, powdered sugar silhouette from a birthday cake. This slab serif J was made at the Sunshine Pastries bakery in Sun City Centre, Florida commissioned by Dorothy W. for her nephew Jack U. The cake was a three layer work of art that was the first letter shaped cake this bakery has ever attempted. According to Dorothy, the slab serif design of the letter J (for Jack) was chosen because “it was for his thirteenth birthday and it looked strong and adultish, symbolizing his transition into manhood.”




About the submitter:

Photo submitted by Heather D. from Sun City Centre, FL. She is a cookie and cake apprentice in her 3rd year with Sunshine Pastries. When she is through with her studies there, she plans to move to either Minnesota or Buffalo, NY. “The year-round heat is too much in Florida. I need to move somewhere with milder summers and lots of snow in the winter” Heather says. She then hopes to open her own custom cookie business and work from home. Cat and dog shaped cookies are the most fun to decorate, although once she had a blast making two baker's dozen cookies of red Swingline® staplers for an office party.